Movie Review: Seven Pounds
>> Monday, December 22, 2008
This movie was absolutely life changing - I am not only recommending you go see it - but commanding you to! I was literally speechless for a half an hour after the movie - I literally am writing an entire entry in my journal on thoughts I have from this movie. I can't talk much about it without giving a lot away - so go find out for yourself.
Here is the trailer:
Wow, guess I better see this movie! I've heard only great things about it!
i saw seven pounds with my family yesterday - it was such a heavy storyline that just smashes into your heart. it's hard because you can't say anything about the movie without giving it away! but i will just say, i completely understand where you're coming from in your post - speechless. anyway, i hope you're doing well! merry christmas!
Steph - definitely - I'm down for seeing it again if we can get a group together - that'd be sweet!
Christine Mazzacone!
What's going on? Long time- no talk! Hope everything is going well - I miss you guys! Yea - definitely a life changing movie! Have an amazing Christmas!
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