Revolution Gets a New Website

>> Monday, December 22, 2008

Since the arrival of Pastor Nathan, we've created an entirely new website for Revolution Student Ministries. It was the first time I was really exposed to what Word Press can do! I'm in the process right now of redesigning my site to look similar. Anyway . . . here are some cool features of the new website:

  • Student Blog - We're looking for students at Rev to blog for us on a consistent basis! It can be about anything related to God, Rev, ministry, etc.. If you're interested - let me know!
  • Leader Blog - We're also looking for Revolution leaders who'd be interested in writing consistently! Let me know if you're interested!

  • Live Video/TV Streaming - Here, we'll be having all of our videos constantly playing on a loop. We'll also do live services and events live stream and you'll be able to join us online and even talk on an online chat room.
  • Videos - We'll always have our latest videos posted here.

I'll let you navigate through the rest of the site yourself - if you have any questions ask.

Why you're online - Make sure you're:
  1. Following Revolution on Twitter
  2. A Fan on Revolutions Facebook Page


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